She's on to new creative endeavors, but took a minute to chat w/mossangeles.
mossangeles: I've become such a fan of your work and style, as you know I'm acquiring a small collection of your pieces. Where does your style get inspiration from? Or from whom? It really speaks to the modern girl, and guy for that matter.
klai: I think I just grew up being a fan of graphic lines, I've always loved the line quality of ink drawings whether in comic books or asian calligraphy. As far as content I'm an avid listener and lover of stories. People, their faces, their stories, the lives they lead and the lines that carry the detail of their stories intrigue me. An expression, is like a picture with a thousand words. I'm totally inspired by people and the character in their faces.
m: How did ceramics and your drawings/painted works come together? Did you set out to be a ceramicist?
k: I transferred out of Cypress Community College. While I was there, their ceramics program was super lively-there was always music playing, good food cooking, people talking and building things. I was intrigued by what the students were doing in THAT room. I took an elective ceramic class there. I was hooked the first time I bent over a potters wheel and inhaled the earthy elastic mound under my hands. The coolest thing to me was that this stuff under my hands could become anything-and after I made it into the anything, I could fire it and make it timeless.. at least until it got dropped :) / My drawings didn't find their way onto ceramic work until years later. I've always been a fan of drawing. After mastering form and technique in ceramics I began to make things just to draw on. I wanted to tell stories with pictures and faces..
k: DIY, is the coolest. I love being a part of Renegade and participating in the handmade movement. The level of craftsmanship and creativity is so high at these shows. They are the neatest places to get your shopping on-Hey, funny you ask..yes, I could definitely see my work on a larger scale. I'm currently finishing up my very first ceramic bust of a girl character. She'll be one of a series, that look a lot like the people I draw on my ceramic ware. So, yes, it is totally appealing to consider working on a different scale..
m: Thanks for your time and the inspiring work. And yes, I'm due for a trip to your studio!
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